Your Work Wardrobe When There is no Dress Code at Your Job

What does it mean for your wardrobe if there is no Dress Code?

“No dress code” means there is not a uniform, you don’t have to wear a suit and tie, pantyhose are not required, you don’t have to wear closed shoes and you don’t have to think about whether it’s “dress down Friday.”

You still need to look like you remembered it was a work day.

I can’t tell you how many discussions I have had with people about their work wardrobes.

Please do not wear:

  • Halter tops
  • tube tops
  • shirts that show your midriff
  • Short shorts
  • Shirts with skinny straps that reveal lots of cleavage
  • T-shirts with offensive messages
  • Clothing that is too formal for the job

My personal favorite: A woman who was about to take a person with a disability to a medical appointment was wearing a shirt that said, in rhinestones, no less,

“There’s a 99% chance that I don’t care.”

Perfect for your day off; unacceptable at work. Anywhere.

Upon entering a residential program for adults suffering with severe mental illness, I found the staff wearing a shirt with a huge gun on it. It was a promotional T-shirt with “New York” at the top and, in small letters at the bottom, “This ain’t Kansas.”

Cute for your day off if you like that kind of thing, but really not ok for work anywhere, and especially not when working with vulnerable people.

I asked this gentleman about his shirt and he said, “Oh, I know. I always wear something over it.” I had to point out that he was not, in fact, wearing anything over it at that moment and he was at work. He did at least have the good grace to be embarrassed and turned it inside out for the rest of the day.

A young man was hired to do lawn work for an elderly woman. He showed up in a shirt and tie. He looked great, and was trying to make a good impression, but he wasn’t thinking about the work he would be doing. Fortunately, he was able to go home and change before the assignment.

The client was none the wiser and we all got a good laugh.

Some articles of clothing are up for debate.

Can you wear jeans with holes in them? Pants that look like pajama bottoms? If there is no company dress code, I can’t tell you not to. But you’ll want to think about the impression you’re making at work.

If there is the smallest doubt, why not wear something else?

dress code at work

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